
A page of events I co-organized: conferences, workshops, summer schools, etc. (excluding events where I presented).


The Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI) in Chicago hosts a New Directions in Algebraic Statistics Workshop. July 21-25, 2025. Stay tuned! 


I am the Program Comittee Chair for the SIAM Activity Group in Algebraic Geometry 2025 meeting at Madison, WI. July 7–11 , 2025.


Co-organized a conference on Commutative Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics, a conference on the occasion of Uwe Nagel's 60th birthday, University of Notre Dame, August 12-16, 2024.


The Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI) in Chicago hosted a long program in Fall 2023, Algebraic statistics and our changing world: New methods for new challenges. 

Applications for research members closed in Spring 2023. Stay tuned for exciting news about our workshops and publications! 

This quarter-long program is coorganized with Mathias Drton (TU Munchen), Elizabeth Gross (UH Mānoa), Lek-Heng Lim (UofC), Elina Robeva (UBC), Jose Rodriguez (UW Madison), Piotr Zwiernik (U Toronto & Pompeu Fabra University), Bernd Sturmfels (MiS-MPI Leipzig & UC Berkeley). 

See you at IMSI September 18 — December 15, 2023!


Algebraic and geometric methods in inference, Topic-Contributed Paper Session at the Joint Statistics Meeting in Toronto, Canada, 5-10 August 2023. 

Note to everyone: IMS Child Care Initiative: Are you bringing a child to the next IMS Annual Meeting? (This takes place at JSM 2023 in Toronto, August 5-10, 2023.) Apply to the IMS Child Care Initiative and the IMS will reimburse 80% of the costs of privately arranged child care (for a dependent under 13), up to a maximum of US$250 per family. Priority will be given to those presenting papers or posters at the meeting. The application deadline is June 1, 2023.


I was a Program Committee member for the 48th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2023.
ISSAC 2023 took place in Tromsø, Norway, in July 2023.


Greg Smith, Paul Breiding, and I organized a workshop on Random Algebraic Geometry at the Banff International Research Station (Alberta, Canada), April 16-21, 2023. 


I served on the Executive Committee for the Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA) conference, Kraków, Poland, June 20-24, 2022.

AS2022 Hawaii

Elizabeth Gross, Vishesh Karwa, and I organized AS2022 - an international conference on Algebraic Statistics in Hawaii, May 16-20, 2022. Conference travel for junior researchers supported by NSF-DMS Grant 2004271.  Visit 

AMS22 Purdue

Aida Maraj and I organized a Special Session, Nonlinear Algebra with Applications to Statistics, at the AMS Central Sectional Meeting at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, March 26-27, 2022.  The meeting was moved to online format via Zoom due to the Coronavirus.

AS2020 online

Elizabeth Gross, Vishesh Karwa, and I organized the AS2020 - an international conference on Algebraic Statistics in Hawaii, summer 2020. However, due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, we have postponed the conference to May 2021. To keep the community connected, Hawaii hosted a few of the talks online in June 2020. Read more here.

Conference travel for junior researchers supported by NSF-DMS Grant 2004271. We expect to meet in 2022! 


Jesus De Loera, Despina Stasi, Paul Breiding and I organized a summer school `Randomness and Learning in Non-Linear Algebra’, at MPI Leipzig Germany during the week of July 1-5, 2019. Partially funded (junior participants' travel) by our joint NSF grant; see site for more information.


Jesus De Loera, Despina Stasi, and I organized a Minisymposium on Random Commutative Algebra at the 2017 SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry (SI(AG)^2) Conference in Atlanta, August 2017. [Session schedule.]


Alessandro Rinaldo (Carnegie Mellon statistics) and I organized a Workshop on Algebraic Statistics for Network Modeling at IIT. The workshop, which took place in Chicago on May 8-11, 2017, honored the legacy that Steve Fienberg left on the field of algebraic statistics for networks. Participation by invitation only.

Participants: Elizabeth Gross (San Jose State), Vishesh Karwa (Harvard), Nicolas Kim (Carnegie Mellon-student), Debdeep Pati (Florida State / Texas A&M), Sonja Petrovic (IIT), Mateja Raic (UIC student), Alessandro Rinaldo (Carnegie Mellon), William Schwartz (IIT student), Despina Stasi (IIT), Nanwei Wang (Carnegie Mellon), Dane Wilburne (IIT student).


IMS Topic-Contributed Paper Session: Algebraic and geometric methods in inference - two decades of algebraic statistics, at JSM 2016, July 30 - August 4, 2016, Chicago.

Organizers: Caroline Uhler and Sonja Petrovic

Speakers: ​Venkat Chandrasekaran (Cal Tech), Elizabeth Gross (San Jose State), Elina Robeva (Berkeley / MIT), Henry Wynn (London School of Economics). Discussant: Steffen Lauritzen (University of Copenhagen).


The American Mathematical Society's Mathematical Research Communities program in 2016 included an MRC on Algebraic Statistics, June 12 – 18, 2016, Snowbird, Utah. There were 5 research groups, including the one on network modeling that I led. 

MRC is a flagship training program by the American Mathematical Society. 


IIT hosted the 2016 Spring Research Conference, May 25-27, 2016.

SRC is an annual conference sponsored by the American Statistical Association (ASA) Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences (SPES) and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).


Jointly with Despina Stasi, organized a Special Session on Algebraic statistics and its interactions with combinatorics, computation, and network science at the Fall AMS Central Section Meeting, Loyola Universtiy Chicago, October 3-4, 2015.


Together with Caroline Uhler, I organized a Special Topic Session on Algebraic Statistics at the 2015 World Statistics Congress in Rio De Janeiro, July 2015.


Algebraic Statistics conference at IIT, Chicago, May 18-22 2014.

Co-sponsored by IIT College of Science, Packard Foundation, and NSF.

Read more at IIT Today news.


Algebraic Statistics in the Alleghenies: Conference and Workshop at Penn State, June 9-15, 2012.

Co-sponsored by Penn State Eberly College of Science and NSF.


A Macaulay2 workshop, coorganized with Anton Leykin, July 25-29, 2011.


Special Session on Advances in Algebraic Statistics, at the AMS Sectional Meeting in Lexington, KY, March 27-28, 2010. Co-organized with Ruriko Yoshida.


Joint Mathematics Meetnings: Co-organized the Special session on Computational Algebra and Convexity. Washington DC, January 5-8, 2009