Nonlinear algebra


Components of the final grade: homework, participation, midterm exam, final exam, project. Details shared on day 1. 

The grading scale will be no more strict than A:90-100, B:78-89, C: 65-77, D:53-64


You are encouraged to work in groups and are allowed to discuss homework problems with another student in the course, a TA, an IIT ARC tutor, or the instructor. However, the solutions should be written by you alone. Otherwise, it can be considered plagiarism and you may receive no credit. Copying another student's solution for homework problem is considered plagiarism. In addition, after you have discussed any problems with others, you must not consult any notes from these discussions while you write up your solution. Also, you may not consult 3rd party resources, such as the internet, to look for solutions.

Academic integrity

The Code of Conduct and applicable penalties in the IIT Student Handbook apply.

Missed work

Assignments and exams cannot be made up except as approved by the instructor (e.g., due to official IIT activity or documented emergency). An exam missed for an excused reason must be made up promptly upon the student’s return, the time frame being at the discretion of the instructor.

Disability assistance

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. In order to receive accommodations, students must obtain a letter of accommodation from the Center for Disability Resources and make an appointment to speak with me [the instructor] as soon as possible. The Center for Disability Resources (CDR) is located in Life Sciences Room 218, telephone 312-567-5744 or

Pandemic/family/struggling student policy on late work

Problems meeting deadlines? No problem. We just went through a pandemic. Everyone struggles. You may submit your work late, and I do not need to always know why it is late. 

BUT: please keep in mind that our teaching assistants, who are also graduate students full-time, are grading homework assignments. 

Therefore, we are keeping all of the deadlines: out of respect for their time and effort, please do your best to submit your work on time. If you must be late, and would like the TA to still grade it, you need to send advance notice about it. For example, once/if solutions are posted already, new work cannot be turned in for full credit.