Math/STAT 561 SPRING 2023

Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics

Mondays and Wednesdays 11:25-12:40
Location: RE-032

course notes

Our course textbook is now available to all students, in electronic format, through IIT's Galvin Library. Please see Campuswire for a direct link. 

In January, since there was a shortage of copies at the bookstore, I have sent chapters 1 and 4 to students by Campuswire. If copies of these pages appear anywhere on the internet, there will be a grade reduction in the class, so please do not post those PDFs online, thank you for your understanding. 

The grading scale will be no more strict than A:90-100, B:78-89, C: 65-77, D:53-64

Project information page is here!

Office hours

Professor office hours: 

Mondays 12:50-1:45 at RE-208.

Teaching assistant: Ivan Gvozdanović. 

Office hours: Tuesdays 10am-1pm at RE-129

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