
Awards & Newsworthy

In the last quarter of a century, algebraic statistics has established itself as an expanding field which uses multilinear algebra, commutative algebra, computational algebra, geometry, and combinatorics to tackle problems in mathematical statistics. These developments have found applications in a growing number of areas, including biology, neuroscience, economics, and social sciences.
Naturally, new connections continue to be made with other areas of mathematics and statistics. This paper outlines three such connections: to statistical models used in educational testing, to a classification problem for a family of nonparametric regression models, and to phase transition phenomena under uniform sampling of contingency tables. We illustrate the motivating problems, each of which is for algebraic statistics a new direction, and demonstrate an enhancement of related methodologies.

"The Argonne team is working on problems different than the ones I work on, but we’ve found a new intersection point. To me, this is the essence of research, growth, and advancement of mathematics—to build new connections, expand the reach of standard methods, and blend areas to propose new creative ideas to solve problems that cannot be solved using any single method or by mathematics alone.”

Events & Media


Read the interview in the WiSTEM Newsletter April 2021.

Read the 2014 interview in the AWM Newsletter.

Volume 2, Issue 3.pdf

WiSTEM newsletter


social responsibility

Inaugural class of SoReMo fellows in Spring 2021

Algebraic Statistics

A new journal by Mathematical Sciences Publishers. 

Imagine an interdisciplinary team of students from architecture, mathematics, and computer science working together to solve a problem for the city", S. Petrović, IIT Today, July 2021